yaduuuSS n ngdfsdfasass    Unity Minneapolis is meeting at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ at 11:30 AM on Sundays
Each of us get the opportunity to play a huge part in the transformation of our spiritual home!
Together we have raised $1,818,051 through August 2024.
Press Play for a 3-D Virtual Tour
The future is bright at Unity Minneapolis!
An Important Update
Vanman Architects and Builders has served as Architect and General Contractor for our building renovation project.  We are deeply saddened to report that we recently learned Vanman has financial challenges which make it impossible for the company to continue with our project.

  • Our renovation project is currently paused.
  • Working with legal counsel, Unity Minneapolis will terminate the design / build contract with Vanman.
  • Working with legal counsel, Unity leadership has contacted our project’s subcontractors.
  • Unity leadership is arranging payments due for completed subcontractor work.
  • Unity leadership has met with two reputable General Contractor candidates and they are preparing proposals to take on our project.

We ask you to continue to practice Unity principles and know that regardless of appearances, Divine Order is unfolding. Sometimes what appears to be a “set back” is really a “set up” for greater good.  We have been extremely impressed with both general contractors that have been interviewed; impressed with our legal counsel to help guide us each and every step of the way.  And of course, we have an outstanding Building Transformation Committee, headed by Mike Smith.
FAQs for our switch to new General Contractor:
  1. Have we activated our construction loan?  Because of your generous contributions, all payments so far have been from our reserves and campaign donations.

  2. What percentage of our project is completed?  About 20%.  Because this change happened earlier in the process, it helped us minimize our financial exposure.

  3. Will the project cost more?  We’ll know more after reviewing the new General Contractor proposals.

  4. Do we have time to enclose the new addition before winter?  We’ve been told to expect additional needs (and expense) to complete the new addition during winter months.

  5. Who is working on the project as the leadership from Unity Minneapolis?  Rev. Pat Williamson, Mike Smith, Nancy Maiello, Nancy Merritt, and Michael Showalter.

  6. Will this affect our target date to return to the building, Easter 2025?  Unknown at this time.
Renovation Update as of Oct 13, 2024
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It's Time For...
  • A truly welcoming facility for all that are here and those yet to come. Fully accessible for everyone throughout the building. No exceptions.
  • Upgraded technology throughout our facility that enables us to reach more people with our life transforming message.
  • Beautiful and ample space to accommodate everyone and celebrate Spirit with radical hospitality.
God has truly blessed our spiritual community and is guiding us. Allow Spirit to guide you in your contribution.

Full accessibility, updated technology, and expansion of our space ensures that "Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!"
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Capital Campaign Resources
How can I donate to support our facility transformation?

Please include a note that your financial gift is for the ALL IN Campaign. You’ll find easy on-line giving by clicking the "Donate" button below. You can also drop a gift in the offering, in the church office, or send it in the mail. And there may be tax advantages to donating stock, property, etc. If over the age of 72, you can use your required minimum distribution. Consult your tax advisor.

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 1) Why do we need to renovate our facility? 
Our facility is the face of our community and needs to support our vision of a transformed world and our mission of being a vibrant, welcoming, inclusive, and prosperous spiritual community that inspires full expression of the Divine within. Our building must be accessible for everyone throughout.

2) How much did we raise in our capital campaign? Will we use our financial reserves? Apply for financing?
The budget for our project is $3.8 million dollars.  We received ALL IN commitments totaling $2.1 million dollars to be given over a 3-year giving period - 2023 / 2024 / 2025. In addition, a portion of our financial reserves will be invested in this project. A prudent reserve equal to 3 months of operating expenses was retained and $601,502 was added to our capital campaign donations. After due diligence with two lenders, we have been approved for financing with Thrivent Federal Credit Union.

3) What’s the latest news? What are our next steps?

In April 2024, Vanman Builders began receiving sub-contractor proposals for our project. Our leadership team was shocked and disheartened when the proposals were 20% higher than expected.  Our total project cost (architectural / construction, financing, rental space, etc.) increased to $3,803,312. Keeping the faith, we were able to close the gap with:
     1. Minor adjustments to our plan.
     2. Reductions in the contractor fee.
     3. Unexpected ALL IN donations arrived with perfect timing. Thank you, donors!
     4. $58,580 transfer from our operating reserves.
The City of Golden Valley has issued our Building Permits. The next step in our journey is to begin construction!

4.) How long will congregants and staff need to meet in temporary quarters while construction takes place? Where will we meet during construction?
Our current estimate is that we will be in temporary quarters for nine to ten months. We are blessed that Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ has invited us to share their beautiful space beginning in April 2024. It’s a quick 3.5 mile drive to their church at 4200 Lake Road in Robbinsdale, MN.

5.) How can I donate to support our facilities transformation?
Please let us know that your financial gift is for the ALL IN Campaign. You’ll find easy on- line giving at our website (click here). Be sure to designate the gift to the “ALL IN Campaign”. Drop a gift in the offering, in the church office, or send it in the mail. And there may be tax advantages to donating stock, property, etc. If over the age of 72, you can use your required minimum distribution. Consult your tax advisor.

6) Is this the right time for the project with uncertainty in many areas (COVID, decline in church attendance, inflation, recession, war)?
The world is in a time of transformation and Unity is a sacred space for anyone seeking spiritual transformation. A renovated building provides a welcoming, attractive, practical, accessible space for all to come and be uplifted, renewed, and centered in Spirit, especially during these times.

Divine Spirit has revealed through the collective consciousness of Unity Minneapolis a mission that we continue to grow into.  The momentum to accomplish this goal is rooted in prayer and connection to Source. We invite you to join us there.

Have a Question?
Do you have a question or comment about our renovation or capital campaign?
We want to hear from you.

Fill out the form