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Thank you for practicing the spiritual law of giving and receiving with your generous donations!  As you give, so you shall receive.  Sometimes people ask me about the amount to give, and my answer is always, “I don’t know; you need to allow Spirit to direct your giving.”  I believe that your giving needs to feel good.  I also believe that your contribution represents the value that this ministry, Unity Minneapolis, has in your life, and your generosity supports the good it does in this world.

- Rev. Pat Williamson

Make it Easy on Yourself & Become a Consistent Giver

Automatic giving is simple, secure and has so many benefits:

  1. Your love offering blesses you and Unity when you can’t be here.
  2. Automatic giving reduces paper.  Be kind to Mother Earth. 
  3. Less time and fewer paper cuts for our love offering counters.
  4. No fumbling for cash, checks, or credit card for your love offering.
  5. Realizing the power of commitment and community in your spiritual growth.
  6. Knowing that you are doing your spiritual work….even when you forget.

Can I change my Consistent Giving amount or frequency at any time?

Absolutely! No fine print here. Adjust the amount or frequency anytime, as Spirit moves you. It's all about love—a true "love offering."

Do you own an IRA? Are you 70½ years of age or older?

QCDs could be an important generosity tool for you!  Click below to watch Glenn Jensen's short video sharing how & why he uses Qualified Charitable Distributions for his donations to Unity Minneapolis.

Are you aware of qualified charitable distributions from your IRA?

  1. Individual retirement account (IRA) owners age 70½ or over can transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year. Married couples where both have IRAs can transfer up to $200,000 per year.
  2. If you are age 73 or over, a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) counts toward the IRA owner's required minimum distribution (RMD).
Normally, distributions from a traditional IRA are taxable when received. With a QCD, these distributions become tax-free as long as they're paid directly from the IRA to an eligible charitable organization.

QCDs are reported with other IRA distributions on IRS Form 1099-R.  And are available regardless of whether an eligible IRA owner itemizes deductions on their income tax return.

How to Set Up a QCD

Contact your IRA custodian to setup the transaction. Please ensure your custodian provides information to Unity Minneapolis: your name and whether your gift is for the operating or capital campaign fund.
NOTE: Any discussion of tax implications should not be considered tax advice.  Consult your personal tax professional for advice on your specific tax situation.

Unexpected Income Program

A Plan for Prosperous People

How it Works:
We stand upon the belief in a High Power (God) in the universe seeking fuller expression in our lives: It is your Father’s Good pleasure to give you the kingdom. As we are more fully expressed, so is God.  Begin and end each day with “My Prayer for Prosperity” to become more aware of God’s presence within you and unlock your own potential for abundance.  Set a Law in motion for your increased good.  And when you have a successful demonstration: share the unexpected increase that comes to you by donating 10% OFF THE TOP  to Unity Minneapolis.
Say “My Prayer for Prosperity” every morning and evening.
I believe God is the source of all supply and that “money is God in action.” I believe my good is now flowing to me so richly and so fully that I have an abundance of money to spare and share, today and always.  I believe true prosperity includes perfect health, perfect wealth and perfect happiness.

These words which I now speak in faith activate a Law of Universal Good, and I accept the results.

I bless all the good that is with me now; I bless the increase.  I give thanks for this good.  So it is!  And so I let it be.
This has been an extraordinary year. Simultaneously you, individually and as community, stepped forward with courage and trust, launching a church renovation project long in the works but obedient to Divine Order. At the same time that you stepped up to provide for this building project’s financial demands, you were generous to Unity Minneapolis so our shared mission to empower full expression of the Divine within through prayer, education, and service continues to deliver.

Why is it important to you to financially support Unity Minneapolis?

Your year-end gift, over and above your normal giving, plays an essential role in meeting the financial needs of our spiritual community.  Last year, financial gifts in November and December were 23% of Unity Minneapolis’ annual income.  Thank you for who you are, for what you do, for the awe and wonder that you bring and for the love you give.  Your love of Unity Minneapolis and your generosity at this time bring great gratitude.