yaduuuSS n ngdfsdfasass    Unity Minneapolis is meeting at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ at 11:30 AM on Sundays

Practical Spiritual Teachings

With Over 100 Years of History

Our Story

For more than 100 years, our spiritual community has been a home to many who seek a deeper relationship with Spirit.  Unity Minneapolis began as a small study group, Unity Truth Center, in 1919.  Over 54 years, they met at various locations until purchasing the former Mormon Church at 4000 Golden Valley Road in 1973.  Our church has flourished and given birth to several Unity communities in Minnesota and Wisconsin that continue today.
☝️ Get to Know Our Ministers ☝️

We are a vibrant, inclusive, prosperous spiritual community, inspiring and empowering full expression of the Divine within through prayer, education, and service.

We envision a community centered in Spirit, where we celebrate a world transformed by love, peace, and compassion
Our Values

Inclusion Statement

Unity Minneapolis is a community open and receptive to all who enter our doors. We believe everyone is here by divine appointment. We welcome you, and we welcome your thoughts and ideas, for they add to our discourse. We welcome your gifts and talents, for they add to our resources. We bless you and we affirm your wholeness, for we deeply value your presence in this community. Unity Minneapolis is a community that is fully accepting of all people. We welcome everyone into our community without regard to age, abilities, race, religious beliefs, cultural background, gender, or sexual orientation.

Earth Care Covenant

Our consciousness reveals that all of creation is connected as one. All stories of creation call upon us to be good caregivers of that creation. As a people of faith, we, the congregation of Unity Minneapolis, commit to a renewed reverence for life and respect for the interdependent web of all existence. We honor our spiritual commitment to the care, support and defense of the balance between nature and our individual and collective needs. We envision a world in which everything has intrinsic value and where all beings are assured a secure and meaningful life that is ecologically responsible and sustainable.We agree to transform our individual and congregational lives by discarding harmful habits and modeling new behaviors that demonstrate our respect forth is harmony and interconnectedness.

Land Acknowledgement Statement

Unity Minneapolis acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the Dakota Peoples and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who continue to serve as stewards of the land. We recognize our occupation on land that is of great spiritual, historical, and cultural significance to the Dakota people. We also acknowledge the past and present harm done to the Dakota, Anishinaabe, and other Indigenous nations through the systematic forced removal of communities and the unjust seizure of their lands. We further acknowledge, honor, and respect their presence here in Minnesota today. We urge you to join us in reflecting on our place in these histories and rectifying the harm done to indigenous peoples.

Statement for Peace

Unity stands for peace in the presence of conflict; for love in the presence of hatred, for forgiveness in the presence of injury. Unity honors the many names for God, the many paths to God, the many ways to worship God; for there is only one power and presence of God and that God loves each one of us equally.

It is therefore the position of Unity Worldwide Ministries and Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village to urge all nations, their leaders and their people to turn to God by whatever the name for guidance during these challenging times and pursue peace, not war, for this is what honors the God of all our faith traditions. Unity stands for peace in our lifetime.
