yaduuuSS n ngdfsdfasass    Unity Minneapolis is meeting at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ at 11:30 AM on Sundays
Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) | Grades 9 to 12
Youth and Family Ministries
Youth of Unity Program

Our Youth of Unity program serves grades 9 to 12 during our Sunday services. These gatherings are tailor-made for our teenagers, fostering spiritual growth, social connections, personal responsibility, leadership and a sense of community service.

At Unity Minneapolis, we've created a nurturing, supportive, and friendly environment where our teens can thrive spiritually while enjoying a strong sense of community. Our devoted team of leaders is there to guide them on their journey towards spiritual development and peaceful living, always with a touch of fun.

Whether you're a visitor or considering becoming a new member, you are always warmly welcome to join our vibrant Youth of Unity community. Come, be a part of something special!

Y.O.U's 4-Fold Focus

Spiritual: Sundays are dedicated to exploring spiritual principles, allowing YOUers to share their experiences and insights. We also spend time in prayer and meditation. For a more immersive spiritual journey, we organize annual retreats within the Great Lakes Region, fostering strong connections among Unity teens.

Service: YOUers have opportunities to participate in various service activities throughout the year. They even lead lessons for our Uniteen and Young Emerging Spirit classrooms on the 5th Sunday of each month.

Social: Y.O.U. is a place where nurturing and supportive relationships among teens and adult sponsors thrive. It's a loving space to build friendships and unwind, knowing that everyone is accepted just as they are.

Skills: YOUers take on leadership roles with the guidance of adult sponsors. Our Y.O.U. officer team helps plan Y.O.U. activities, including Sunday lessons, service projects, and social events. YOUers are encouraged to lead prayers and meditations and even create and facilitate their own spiritual lessons.

Upcoming Schedule:
[Block//YFM Curriculum]
Our Wonderful Y.O.U. Volunteers
[Block//YFM Volunteers]
Thank You For Checking Us Out
As a dedicated advocate for nurturing young minds, I understand the challenge to find an educational program that captivates the mind, nurtures play and embraces spiritual values. It can indeed be quite a journey.

And I want you to know that you are not alone in this pursuit. I extend a warm invitation to explore what Unity Minneapolis has to offer. We've created a space where young hearts and curious minds can flourish in an inclusive and spiritually enriching environment. I encourage you to come check us out. We're excited to play a role in your child's journey of growth and exploration.

Have Questions About YFM?
Wanting to learn more about our programming or how to get involved?
Fill the form out below and lets connect!